Middletown, OH | (281) 789-0099



A properly maintained vehicle is a properly lubricated vehicle. If you want to know the lubrication your vehicle needs to run smoothly and strong for longer, continue reading.

How to Lubricate Your Vehicle Properly

  1. First, there's the motor synthetic oil, which has the crucial job of lubricating and protecting the engine, so it can continue working smoothly and strong for longer.
  2. Then, you need transmission fluid for the transmission system (the one in charge of helping you change gears and speed).
  3. The braking system also requires brake fluid. This one, aside from being a lubricant, is also a hydraulic fluid which aids in the transference of power.
  4. Another lube that acts as a hydraulic fluid is the power steering fluid, which helps the power steering system so you can change direction.
  5. Some components in your vehicle require grease (like the wheel bearings), which is a lubricant with a thicker consistency that can protect them.
  6. If you own a truck or another bigger and more powerful vehicle, you will require gear lube to ensure it continues working as expected.
  7. Your vehicle will also need thinner lubricants, called  penetration lubricants, to reach extremely tight spaces (e.g. if you need to loosen a bolt).
  8. Finally, you may need dry lubricants, which is another lube with a thinner consistency, but it's meant to lubricate spaces that shouldn't be moist.

Call 1320 Synthetics at (281) 789-0099, or visit AMSOIL's online shop to place an order for Signature Series 0W-20 Synthetic Motor Oil, the most effective synthetic oil in Middletown.